Who we share data with and why:



  • We are required, by law, to pass certain information about our pupils to PCTs. PCTs use information about pupils for research and statistical purposes, to develop, monitor and evaluate the performance of local health services. These statistics will not identify individual pupils. It is necessary for certain health information about children (for example; their height and weight) to be retained for a certain period of time (designated by the Department of Health) and requires these PCTs to maintain children’s names and addresses for this purpose. PCTs may also provide individual schools and Local Authorities (LAs) with aggregated health information which will not identify individual children.


  • We are required, by law, to pass certain information about our pupils to local authorities. The LA holds information about young people living in its area, including about their education and training history. This is to support the provision of their education up to the age of 20 (and beyond this age for those with a special education need or disability). Education institutions and other public bodies (including the Department for Education (DfE), police, probation and health services) may pass information to the LA to help them to do this. 

  • The LA shares some of the information it collects with the Department for Education (DfE) to enable them to; produce statistics, assess performance, determine the destinations of young people after they have left school or college and to evaluate Government funded programmes.

  • The LA may also share information with post-16 education and training providers to secure appropriate support for them. They may also share data with education establishments which shows what their pupils go on to do after the age of 16. 

  • For children under 16, a parent or guardian can ask that no information other than their child’s name, address and date of birth (or their own name and address) be passed to a local authority. This right transfers to the child on their 16th birthday. Pupils and/or a parent/guardian will need to inform the school/LA if this is what they wish.
    If you want to see a copy of information about you that the LA holds, please contact the Calderdale MBC Data Protection Officer: information_management@calderdale.gov.uk


  • In order to comply with our statutory safeguarding duties we are required, by law, to pass certain information about our pupils to local authorities.  Information will only be shared where it is fair and lawful to do so.

  • If you want to see a copy of information about you that the LA holds, please contact the Calderdale MBC Data Protection Officer: information_management@calderdale.gov.uk


  • In order to comply with our duty of care to pupils, our statutory safeguarding duties and our obligations in respect of the prevention and detection of crime, we may also share personal data with other statutory and partnership agencies.


Personal data will be retained by the school in accordance with our Records Management Policy and Records Retention Schedule.


As part of our recording of events, celebrations and achievements, Heptonstall J & I School may wish to take photographs of activities that involve your child.  The photographs may be used for displays, publications and website(s), by the school, Local Authority (LA), local newspapers and other approved partners, such as the charities we support.

Photography and/or filming will only take place with the permission of the Headteacher and under appropriate supervision.  When filming or photography is carried out by the news media, children may be named but home addresses will not be disclosed. Images that might cause embarrassment or distress will not be used, including images associated with material on sensitive issues.

When a pupil joins the school parents are asked to indicate whether they are happy for photographs of their son/daughter to be used on school, local authority or press websites; inside school only; or do not want any photographs of their son/daughter to be published at all.

All pupils have a photograph taken and stored internally, in order to identify them for safeguarding purposes.


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