Break the Rules!
Our collaborations with the other three schools in the Trust keep coming! This week our Year 2 children visited Beech Hill School and took part in an art workshop alongside children from that school, Dean Field and Shirley Manor. It was a great afternoon and, mixing the children in each group, we produced four very similar pieces of large art work (based on the Family of Learning Trust logo). Each school will hang one in a prominent position in their own school – ours will go in our hall.
On Monday next week, directly through the input of the Trust, children in Years 4, 5 and 6 will have a morning poetry workshop with local poet Winston Plowes. This is just for Heptonstall children so obviously will be at our school!
I hope you (and of course your children) are now really beginning to see the benefits and new opportunities from collaborative working across the Trust that I first wrote about last March when we initially informed you of our intention to join.
One of the most popular PFA activities with the children over recent years has been the “Break The Rules” day.
The PFA are planning to have another one of these next Friday 2nd February. The details of what rules can be broken are attached to this post.
One thing I have to find myself writing about from time to time is parking around school. The VAST MAJORITY of you do this sensibly and safely both at the start and end of the school day. A reminder to please avoid parking across residents drives – even for a few moments. Whilst waiting in your cars please switch off the engines too. Thank you.
Another reminder please that for safeguarding reasons parents should not come into or walk through school at the beginning or end of a school day. If you need to visit the school office once you have dropped off your child then please go around the outside of the building to the main entrance. Thank you.
After the half term holiday we are looking to take on an additional mid-day supervisor and also a Learning Support Assistant. If you are – or know of someone who might be – interested in either of these positions then more information can be found on the vacancies page on our school website:
Finally a huge thank you to Towngate Tearooms who have presented school with a cheque for £220 raised by their sale of Christmas Trees. They made the same gesture last year too. We are all very grateful to them.
Our first Good Work Assembly of 2024 will take place next Friday. It will begin at 2.45pm.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.