Gifts Galore!
Are you stuck for an idea of what to get for Christmas for your child’s Granny in Guiseley? Auntie in Ancoats? Uncle in Urmston?
Well fret no more because on Tuesday morning next week, Carley from Studio C Photography is coming in to take individual and sibling photographs of the children and what could possibly make a more perfect Christmas gift than a photo of their favourite grandchild/nephew or niece!!?
If you have younger children (below school age) and would like them to be on a photo with their school age siblings then these photos will be taken from 8.45am onwards. Please just go – as a family – up to the hall when you arrive at school on Tuesday morning.
Otherwise, we will make sure during the morning that siblings in school are photographed together. If you wish to have individual photos too of any children that have a sibling then please Dojo your child’s class teacher/s to let them know.
Thank you to all those parents that have already returned the Before School Club survey I sent out on Monday this week. If you haven’t yet returned it please could you do so as soon as possible? To enable us to make a decision on this I will need any expressions of interest by next Friday 1st December. After that date I will have to assume that any parent that has not returned a form has, at present, no need for a Before School Club.
A reminder that next Friday, December 1st, it is our final Good Work Assembly of this half term. This will begin at 2.45pm (doors open 2.35pm).
The dates of Good Work Assemblies next term (which is quite a short one comprising of two five week sessions split by the February half term break) will be:
Friday February 2nd
Friday March 1st
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
With my best wishes,
David Perrin