Surprise Parcels!

It was like a Jeff Bezos sponsored Christmas morning earlier this week as a plethora of packets from internet behemoth Amazon arrived at school.

For a moment I was puzzled (it doesn’t take much) as I wasn’t aware we were expecting any school orders from Amazon.

However once I opened all the packets it became clear!

They were from you – you lovely set of parents! They were the first of the books you had chosen from the children’s Wishlist that I mentioned last week on my Dojo post.

Some more packets arrived yesterday. I was teaching in Oak Class at the time and it was lovely to see the excitement of the children as we opened the parcels together to see what books had come.

Each book comes with a little label telling us who has gifted the book. I won’t name you here – but thank you for being so kind. The labels have been attached to the books (which have now gone to the relevant classrooms) so the children will be able to see who has made the gift to them.

A reminder (hint?!!) that the list can be accessed here!

Talking of my post last week I was feeling rather down and gutted that it had only received 7 “likes” (my usual average being around 15). I was wondering what I had written that must have been so unlikeable. My feelings were saved by a kind parent on Tuesday morning this week who said that there seemed to be a problem with the Dojo app – and although you could still read the posts you were unable to “like” them. Phew – I felt so much better! (You must be thinking how sad it is that a nearly 60 year old man is so troubled by his “like” count!) Hopefully the Dojo people will get this technical hitch sorted out quickly!

A reminder that there will be a Good Work Assembly this afternoon beginning at 2.45pm. The next one after this will be on Friday 7th June.

Another reminder that in a couple of weeks we have a long weekend coming up – we are off on Friday 3rd, Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th May.

I hope this weekend is a good one for you all.


Early Bird Catches the Worm


Hello’s & Goodbye’s!