Read All About It!
Good Morning Everyone.
Another good week in school this week to complete a very positive half term.
My two highlights? (I am trying to wean myself off the “reasons to be cheerful” phrase!)
Firstly, on Tuesday, the Halifax Evening Courier/Hebden Bridge Times came up to take a photo of myself and some of the children as they are running an article on our excellent Ofsted report. I am always really reticent to go on photos like this as I think it might then give the impression that I am saying the fantastic report is all down to me. I hope you know me better than this now to know that is certainly not the case (but the papers always like to put the Headteacher on the photo!). The success of this school is down to us all – our children, parents, staff and governors. Our family. We are all – myself included –cogs in an extremely happy and wonderful Heptonstall wheel.
The news article went “live” yesterday and you can read it here:
Secondly, on Wednesday this week our Oak Class visited the Roman Museum and remains in Ribchester. Once again, we were able to keep the costs down for parents by the kind free loan of a minibus from Beech Hill School. We were lucky in choosing by far the best day of the week weather –wise. It was glorious! The children were an absolute pleasure to be with. I am so looking forward to taking this group on the residential to Wales in June. What a lovely bunch they all are.
After our half term holiday the magic of Christmas half term is upon us. I have attached a few dates for you all so you can go about booking time off work if needed. More information about some of the events will be sent nearer the time. It is always my favourite half term in school.
As you know, Miss Sigsworth has been with us this half term, mornings only, taking the Year 2 children for their Maths and English. She has done a super job! Unfortunately (for us) Miss Sigsworth has been offered a full-time position in another school in Calderdale which understandably she must take. She is leaving us today. Although only here for a short time she has very much become part of the family. We all wish her every success at her new school. From next half term a Miss Naude will be taking the Year 2 children for their Maths and English.
Immediately after the holidays we will be selling various items to raise money for the Royal British Legion. Poppies (obviously) -and a donation of at least 10p please- and also things such as rulers/slap bands/pencil sharpeners/reflectors etc for which we would ask for a donation of at least 50p.
Thank you for sending your children with a packed lunch today and for making them all look so spooky!
I hope you all have a really good half term and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 6th November. A reminder that our monthly Good Work Assembly will take place the first Friday back on the 10th November.