Let’s Party!
Firstly, before it gets lost amongst the rest of this message, I need to tell you that ALL children will need a packed lunch next Friday 27th October (the last day of this half term). This is because Scout Road School (who supply our lunches) break up on Thursday next week. Thank you.
A reminder too that Friday 27th is also a PFA fund raising dress up day where the children can – if they wish – come to school in a Halloween costume (or just non-uniform) for a donation to the PFA of £2.
It won’t be long now until Reception place applications for September 2024 open. Parents can apply to the LA for a place at Heptonstall School from 17th November 2023 until 15th January 2024. Offers of places will be made on 16th April 2024.
We would love you to help us by spreading all the good things about Heptonstall School far and wide amongst your friends and colleagues. We are also running an Open Day for prospective parents of NEW STARTERS on Monday 27th November. There will be three sessions throughout the day/evening. A poster for this event is attached. Again, we would be most grateful if you could share it with anyone you know that will be looking for a school place from September.
It is the PFA Halloween Disco tonight from 6.00pm – 7.30pm. All children MUST be accompanied by an adult. Entry is via the glass tunnel door only. Don’t forget your tickets if you have bought them online! Otherwise its £5 per child on the door or £10 for two or more siblings.
I hope to see you there and wish you a happy weekend in person. For those that are not coming then have a super weekend and see you next week for one more school week before October half-term.
Don’t forget those sandwiches next Friday!