Covid, Flu and Thank you’s!
So last week I was full of “Reasons to be cheerful” and said I would be looking for more of these reasons this week. Well maybe I tempted fate. Covid has hit us quite hard this week both in terms of staff and children. It is quite ironic really.
Many of you will remember that during the “Covid-times” of 2021/2022 we were relatively unscathed but this week it has really come home to roost!
However, if I am looking to find a reason to be cheerful it is this. The staff team left in school have been magnificent in the way that they have pulled together to ensure everything ran smoothly all week.
Special thanks to Mrs Schnacke and Miss Sigsworth for their extra work with Oak Class and to Samantha who has filled in for Alan all week serving at lunchtime. The staff ill at home have done their bit too – for example from her sick-bed Miss Robertshaw has still been sending in detailed daily plans and work for the children in Oaks to keep them on target.
The children poorly with Covid have our sympathy. It must be awful, bless them, but they are all getting better and indeed some have now returned to school. The children still in school this week have played and worked together delightfully. We have had no new cases for over 48 hours now -so yes, more reasons to be cheerful.
A smooth respiratory transition now from Covid to Flu. As last year, the Nasal Flu Immunisation Team will be visiting school to offer the nasal flu vaccination to all our children. They will be in school on Friday 24th November.
A letter is attached to this Dojo with a link for you to complete (or not) the online consent form. Please note that this must be done directly through the NHS link. We cannot accept permission (or not) in school for your child.
Many of you will know that we now have a new PFA Committee. It is:
Chair - Raluca Boboc
Vice Chair - Jocasta Jones
Treasurer - Elena de Lison
Secretary - Ruth Gosden
My thanks to these parents for volunteering for their various roles.
A date for your diaries: Friday 20th October will be the PFA Halloween Disco. More details about this – and an innovative “Halloween Costume Exchange” -will be on next week’s Dojo.
A reminder that next Friday 6th October will be the first of our “new” monthly Good Work Assemblies. It will begin at 2.45pm and all are welcome.
I hope you have a good weekend. A VERY early start for Sam and I tomorrow as we have to be at Elland Road for a 5am departure for the coach for the Leeds away game at Southampton (Sky TV “helpfully” made it a 12.30pm kick off)!
I hope your Saturday is more restful than ours! My Sunday certainly will be a restful one!
With my best wishes, David Perrin