PFA Party Time
We have done much better Covid-wise this week with no new cases whatsoever. Phew!
We are obviously not the only school to have suffered recently as I got an email from Calderdale Public Health earlier this week stating that:
“We are seeing an uptick in COVID-19 cases locally. It is likely that the increase in cases is caused by a new variant, perhaps accelerated by the return to school. Over the last couple of weeks, we have responded to a high volume of calls from schools where staff and children have tested positive.”
Their advice (the same as it has been for many months now) is:
“We are still advising that people who test positive for COVID-19 should stay away from work even if they are well. We understand that it’s a challenge, but this would be our advice for schools too – 5 days for staff and 3 days for children."
This is only advice and not legislation but to me it seems sensible. Obviously though if children are still poorly after 3 days they should not come back to school!
Miss Robertshaw has signed us up for a “Monster Kickabout” again this year. We have done this for the past couple of years and the children really enjoy it. It is a football themed day and, as we were one of the first schools to sign up again this year, we also got some free equipment. Nice!
Next Friday (13th) then the children will, for part of the day, be doing some football themed activities in the classroom and also some football training too! They can come to school in football/sports gear. There is no donation asked for this.
I have attached to this Dojo a poster from our PFA Committee about the Halloween Disco on Friday 20th October. The PFA write:
"Our annual Halloween disco is here! Friday 20th October, we have local DJ 2Kool Tony spinning some spooky tunes, food and drink for big and little monsters and spooky fun for all! Get your costumes sorted now, dressed up adult's will go into a raffle for a special prize!
Buy your tickets on the door or through our website now:
We are hoping to have a card machine at the event but as this is new and technology maybe it would be best to bring some cash too. "
The PFA are asking for £5 per child or £10 for two children or more from the same family.
The week after this, Friday 27th October, the PFA are holding a non-uniform day where the children can come either in Halloween costumes or just non-uniform. If wearing costumes please do not send anything “loose” as accessories that could get lost (or they could poke each other with!) -for example “magic wands” The PFA are asking for a donation of £2.
One last message from the PFA:
"Heptonstall School PFA are selling the last remaining 2020-2021 tea towels online for £2.50 each.”
A future school date for your diary. Our Parent /Teacher sessions for the Autumn term will be held on the afternoon/early evening of Monday 23rd October. More details nearer the time.
This week’s “Reason to be cheerful?” Well yesterday it was, apparently, “World Teachers Day”. Who knew?! Well, one of you did and sent the following lovely message into school:
“Today is World Teachers Day, so I thought it would only be right to send an email of appreciation.
You all do a marvellous job and go above and beyond the standard ‘teachers role’.
All my children have loved this school for this reason.
Well done everyone”
All the staff work incredibly hard at Heptonstall School to ensure it is the best place possible that you can send your children to school. We don’t do it for the thanks - but messages and support like this mean so much to us all. Thank you!
A reminder that is the first of our monthly Good Work Assemblies today. It begins at 2.45pm in the school hall and all are welcome.
I hope to see many of you there and to be able to wish you a wonderful weekend in person, but if you can’t make it I hope you have a good one!