Meeting new friends!
I mentioned on my Dojo past last week that our Parent/Teacher Sessions are going to be held a week on Monday 23rd October. Here is how they will work.
Acorn and Oak Class will run 10 minute sessions from 3.40pm to 6.00pm
Sapling Class will run 10 minute sessions from 1.20pm to 3.20pm and then from 3.40 to 6.00pm.
There are obviously a lot more children in Saplings therefore we have added the afternoon session. It would be extremely helpful that if you ARE able to come in the afternoon you book a time between 1.20pm – 3.30pm. If you do this, and then wish to take your child earlier then that would be fine (plus any siblings). You can of course choose to leave them here until 3.30pm!
Appointments can be booked via Dojo from Monday next week (not before please). Please Dojo Miss Dodd, Mr Longstaff or Miss Robertshaw (as appropriate) with a window of time that you would be able to come (say “between 4.00pm – 4.40pm). Please do not ask for an actual specific 10 minute slot. The teachers will reply to your Dojo with an allocated time.
Before this there is of course the PFA Halloween Disco. This is next Friday between 6.00pm – 7.30pm. All details are on my post from last Friday.
This week has seen some fantastic cross school collaboration between the four schools in the Family of Learning Trust (us, Beech Hill, Dean Field and Shirley Manor). On Monday, Teaching Assistants from the schools visited us here to talk about the similarities and differences between their roles in each of our schools, share ideas and had a tour of our school.
Yesterday, 30 children representing the four School Councils all worked and played together at our school. It was one of those brilliant mornings that education should all be about at this age. Our children were super hosts and took great pride in showing the staff and children from the three other schools around Heptonstall School. They took ages doing this – I think they must have shown them every nook and cranny! A project was launched whereby each School Council is putting a presentation together about their own schools. They will meet up again in the Spring Term (at a different school across the Trust) to share their work. It was a really wonderful morning and of course this weeks “Reason to be cheerful” (I will stop over-egging that soon!!) The photo attached shows the School Council children all gathered together.
The collaboration continues today, as I’m not actually “here” at school today but I am spending the day with the Headteacher, staff and children of Shirley Manor in Wyke.
So it is from there that I wish you all a wonderful weekend and I look forward to more “Adventures of Heptonstall School” next week.